• info@youngafricawomeninitiatives.org
  • +254 743 246638 / +254 703 661439

What we do

YAWI actively works to address gender inequality through diverse programs aligned with six key themes. 

Elimination of gender-based violence: To prevent Gender-based violence (GBV), YAWI is guided by three principles which include;

Prevention of gender-based violence by increasing awareness among men, women, girls, and boys through a human rights education approach.

Collaborating with local human rights organizations, civil society, and important stakeholders. Response: by identifying and providing services to survivors once the violence occurs using a survivor-centered GBV response and.

Accountability; ensuring legal consequences for offenders, strengthening response structures, referral networks, and community-led activism to end violence against women and girls, and shifting harmful gender norms and attitudes.

  • Women economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods program: WE advocate for economic justice by addressing discriminatory norms, structures, laws, and practices, reducing poverty, and advancing gender equality. Our economic empowerment programs help women in the lowest echelons make ends meet by teaching them technical skills and assisting them with skills on starting small businesses to increase household income.
  • Health and Sexual and Reproductive: YAWI focuses on addressing systemic factors like gender inequality, policy barriers, and power imbalances to ensure the right to health. We work with community leaders, women, and volunteers to understand high unintended pregnancy rates and, challenging social and gender norms for women’s health and well-being.
  • Girls’ education: Education is a basic human right, but there are gender inequalities in access and achievement that many children, especially girls, must deal with. Difficulties include teenage pregnancy, poor sanitation, and violence in schools. These unique barriers prevents girls from completing their education and limits their future opportunities. However education can improve health behaviors, end cycles of poverty, and give girls the confidence to stand up for their rights. Our gender transformative programs address these unique barriers to ensure that every girl has the opportunity to complete her education and reach her full potential. These unique barriers are addressed by our gender transformative programs.
  • Good governance and transformative leadership: The project’s objective is to increase the percentage of women, whether appointed or elected, in positions of leadership and decision-making. We back campaigns to raise consciousness, challenge unjust social norms and power structures, promote elections, and nominate women for leadership positions through civic education.