• info@youngafricawomeninitiatives.org
  • +254 743 246638 / +254 703 661439

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Climate change is not gender neutral, therefore climate change poses significant vulnerability to women and girls due to social, cultural, and economic factors. They face limited access to resources like land, credit, and education, limiting their adaptation and participation in decision-making forums.

Gender inequality makes women and girls more vulnerable to climate change’s effects and worse outcomes.

YAWI’s strategies for combating climate change.

Gender-responsive adaptation planning considers climate change’s impact on individuals of different genders, including access to clean water, sanitation, job opportunities, care, domestic burdens, and crisis response roles.

a) Agroecology farming in urban and peri-urban areas, for food security Women in urban areas are trained on Urban agroecological agriculture focusing on food security and social function, connecting urban women with nature and food production, distribution, and consumption.

b) Advocacy on carbon emission reduction in urban areas The “Adapt an Avocado Tree” project aims to mitigate climate change effects as well as offer a source of income and nutrition to women and their families. Women in rural and peri-urban areas are trained on how to utilize their small plots to plant at least 4 trees of Avocado trees. Why avocado tree?. Avocado trees absorb 260 tons of CO2 annually, equivalent to 200 cars, and stabilize soil. They prevent erosion and floods, recycle waste, and sequester carbon through carbon sequestration. Trees convert CO2 into wood and roots, creating stable carbohydrates that can remain underground for centuries, aiding plants and sequestering more carbon. Avocado trees also produce fruit, offer shade, and prevent soil erosion by holding together particles.

c) Use of contextual art and photography to create awareness To help capture the gendered impacts of climate change, the YAWI engages girls and women to build their skills in visual storytelling and art on how climate change occurs and its impact on women and girls.